"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it." - Ferris Bueller

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Thursday Thirteen #3

13 Things I Couldn't Live Without as Mom and a Human Being

1.My I-Pod. This is by far my favorite earthly possession. I have a playlist for everything. All my favorite music in the world from Andrea Boccelli to KMFDM. N'Sync. Candlebox. Music gets me through everything in life and I can mark periods of time with songs I loved. I had two playlists for labor. (By the way, I'd like to pause for a moment to say thanks to my sister Anna for pointing out in front of my husband how many music purchases she saw on my I-Tunes account. Great job! ps. Those purchases were made over a span of 2 years.)
2. Speakers for my I-Pod. Like I always say, set your music free! OK I think it was I-POD who actually said that. But this invention is nothing short of a miracle. It's like having my own commercial-free radio station. We have three sets of I-Pod speakers. One's wireless.
3. Real Simple magazine. My mom and I both get it, and every month it's like Christmas seeing that beautiful magazine glistening in the mailbox. Whoever gets it first calls the other, "Did you get your Real Simple today??" Then we sit and read it cover to cover immediately. Great magazine. I've tried out tons of recipes on my family from it.
4. Blue water in my toilet bowl. I don't know why. I love it. When it runs out and turns clear again, I feel like worlds are colliding and I have to go out and get more.
5. The thermostat on 72. At least. I'd keep it cooler if I could, but my husband won't let me. My parents are like the Seinfelds. They keep the air on a cool 82. It's like a warm summer day inside their home at all times. My husband likes that. I sweat like a (fill in the blank-there are plenty of choices.) Multiply that by a million bazillion when I was pregnant.
6. Down feather comforter. OK I realize this sounds funny, but I love to be cold at night so I can subsequently bask in the warmth of the comforter. Love it. Need it.
7. Hot baths, candles, a glass of wine, IPod. Not separately if at all possible but I'll take that too. The combination gives me that "Calgon, take me away" feeling.
8. Clorox wipes. I go through TUBS of these wonderful wipes in no time flat. I use them on everything in my world. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
9. Coffee. Flavored, if possible. I've cut it down to one cup a day but I need it. Badly.
10. The Einstein play mat and the Aquarium Swing. Right now, little boy is quiet and it's because of the gentle lull of the "back and forth" and the little fishies swimming above him. I can get some serious stuff done with him in there, plus he loves it. After the swing, it's to the mat for valuable tummy time. These toys are two-in-one combo platters that allow me to wrap up the morning cleaning that I have to do every day. I swear it's not all selfish! He loves them too and the floor time is helping make a move toward crawling, though not quite.
11. My family. Through all my phases in life, I've had friends come and go, but my family is still right there with me plugging along, loving me for all my quirks. Although I do have one friend who weathered "all that stuff" since childhood who I consider my family too.
12. Lipstick. I don't leave home without it. Cover Girl ColorStay "Wine to Five". I found it for my wedding day because I wanted something that wouldn't "kiss off". It stays on through everything, I even sometimes wake up with it still on perfectly. I love lipstick. Even when you're feeling gross and ugly, lipstick can make it allll better.
13. Flip flops.
I love cute shoes, but I love the comfort and reliability of the good old flip flop even more. I have multiple pairs in every design, white, black, beige with sparkles, and platform. I have a 40 dollar pair of flip flops that kind of defeats the purpose of flip-flop simplicity.

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


Jonathon Morgan said...

I STILL don't have an ipod. What am I missing? I've been thinking about getting one for Little-E, just so she can listen to her kids CDs in the car...

Unknown said...

I love my iPod as well ... the way your write is so nice ... easy to read and comprehend without too much hoopla ...

I'm up!

Carol said...

I love your list. I don't have an iPod, but I've been thinking of getting one. I think I'll put in on my Christmas wish list. I love music. I like to keep the thermostat on 68 or lower, but my husband doesn't like it that way. I'm 57 - so it's obvious why I stay so hot all the time.
My T13 is up.

Tracie said...

I didn't grow up in a "blue water" family....but now I have it and you are right-once it starts gettig clear again I have to go buy more. Crazy.

I don't have an iPod. Am I the last person on earth without one?

Anonymous said...

I don't have an ipod either--neither does my human..

Anna Mary said...

this is hilarious!!!!!!!!! every one of them! and even funnier? you got dad to comment on the inferno that he calls home and you found a fellow fan of blue toilet water in your comments! hahahahah

Anonymous said...

great list! I find it hard living without my iPod, coffee & flip flops, too :-)

Southern Girl said...

Hmmm, I may have to keep #10 in mind for my brother and SIL -- they're expecting my first nephew in a few months.
My TT is up, too

Anonymous said...

When Baby Boy was first born until he was about 6 months old that swing was his favorite place to be (and the only place he'd sleep for a long time!) I loved it ~ but after a while the music would play 24/7 in my head. I'd swear I'd hear it even after it had shut off.

Great list ~ I don't have an IPod...I just not sure I'd use it...Hmm...maybe I should look into it, though. After you list, I really feel like it's a must have!


I agree with you 100% about the family.
Mine's up too.

Meira{FB} said...

I still haven't figured out what an Ipod does.

Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

I LOOOOVE having the temperature up in the 70s also...

Anonymous said...

Can't live without that blue water in the toilet bowl. And i would love to have an ipod but my daughter took it to college. I should reclaim it.

Norma said...

I'm with you on 9 and 11, but I wouldn't know what hole to put an i-pod in. I plan to keep my hearing as long as possible.

My TT is up

The Mistress of the Dark said...

For me I need my Zen Micro, cos I'm anti-Apple. and definitely 11-13!

Great TT

mine are up here

Celfyddydau said...

That's a great list. I son't have an IPOD and I like it warm

Anonymous said...

What a great list! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Great list! I love my iPod, now I really need some speakers. I'd also love to have a down comforter - I love that being warm while it's cold around me feeling, too.

Anonymous said...

i'm in love with my ipod too!

Jane said...

A girl after my own heart....LOVE LIPSTICK! I won't leave home without it either. I will have to try that color.
Have you gotten a pair of Croc flip flops? They are FAB!
Thanks for visiting my T13. Have a great day.

Slackermommy said...

Am I the only person on earth who doesn't have an ipod yet? I totally agree with #12!

ren powell said...

bathtubs are the best! (inanimate objects, of course)

Chaotic Mom said...

Hmmm... I need to get off my doofus and clean the toilet today. Blue water sounds good, I might pick up one of those thingies next time I'm shopping. ;)

I've posted my Thursday Thirteen, too. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

that is one great list! i love my ipod video too! ;)

Connie T. said...

I always wanted an Ipod. My husband bought me a Sandisk MP3 player instead. We won't talk about that... You reminded me that I need to buy some more clorox wipes today when I go out. I love those too. They are so handy for everything.

Colleen said...

I love my flipflops. I wear them year round. BTW - your baby is precious!

Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

Awesome TT!!! I can't wait to get my iPod in the mail from Search Chips. LOL Thanks for visiting my blog.

Anonymous said...

You know; I've never ever tried an IPod (!) But now I want one, with speaker :D

Thanks for stopping by my TT!

angela said...

Love coffee...

love that lipstick...know what else is good about it besides it staying on and on and on? It NEVER comes off on your teeth.

Susan (5 Minutes For Mom) said...

That is a great list. I can't believe I don't own an iPod. It's very strange that I don't... hmmmm...

Irish Church Lady :) said...

I'm loving the Seinfeld clip! Thanks for visiting my TT. I hope you got your run in! Do you have a baby jogger?

dawn said...

love the list - I wish I had an ipod.

Anonymous said...

love the list - wish I had an ipod.