"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it." - Ferris Bueller

Friday, January 19, 2007

The Jelly Shoe Motherload

Can someone tell me when on earth these came back?


Anonymous said...

wow, would not want to be responsible for trying to bring that trend to my neighborhood. Atleast they would go with everything!
Hope you are having fun, relaxing, and getting some good girl time in!

Scribbit said...

Oh I bet my junior high daughter would think them cool if I showed them to her. It's just the kind of thing a 13- year old girl would love.

Special K ~Toni said...

Oh no, flash backs, and not good ones!

-atomik kitten said...

Good. God. The world is indeed coming to an end. Burn them! Burn them NOW!! I don't care if they do belong to the store. Those are SKEERY!!

Sparky Duck said...

Mrs Duck says there never in her size anyway, so she didnt notice that they came back. Not to mention, there uncomfortable freaking rubber shoes for gods sake. So sayeth the woman of the house

Anna said...

OK, just looking at those I want some shoulder pads and some big bangs. YIKES...I am with "the little woman" up there...BURN THEM NOW.