Thursday Thirteen #28: The Visual Version
Here's the visual edition of the Thursday Thirteen:
13 of my favorite pictures EVER
1. It's a few months past Poops' first birthday, but he found his hat and loves it now, wandering around the house and thinking he's all that while wearing it. He takes on an entirely different personality when he wears it. I think he thinks we don't recognize him in it. 
2. One of my dearest friends, Alicia and I, when I went up to NYC to visit my old haunts just after I got married. We have a million pictures of us acting like "An American Gothic". I had an online company stick our faces and bodies into a computer-generated copy of the painting. Similar, no? Haha!


4. This is that same sunset. I have this picture hanging in my living room. I love decorating my house in pictures of real life.

I love ships too. This was taken in St. Lucia at a wedding of a dear friend of mine. It was a little overcast and rainy, but the vegetation was so beautiful, lush and green there. It was a great trip.
Hubby and Poops at a marina near our house. He thinks his jeans make him look like he has a saggy bottom in this picture but it doesn't! I love the picture. It's hanging in our family room.
The pumpkin family we carved last Halloween. This is the pumpkin version of our family. Next Halloween, we will add another tiny pumpkin.
8. Poops feeding a giraffe at the zoo a couple weeks ago.
9. There were four of us girlfriends who went to the zoo that day. These are allllllll our boys.

My grandma holding Poops for the first time. I love my Grandma. She's 92 and she's still got it all together. She has fewer illnesses than all of us! By the way, she has four children, including my dad and his twin brother, who popped out when she was almost 40! Surprise!
12. Taken again at Clearwater Beach on a different day, there was an entire tree full of wild parrots. He was sitting there in the grass.

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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I love them all, but the binkie pumpkin is too adorable!
Great pics. I also love that pumpkin with the binky - and the baby crack. lmao
My dd loved the binky pumpkin, too!
Great pics!
They are all great photos! We did a binky pumpkin for the Little Man's first Halloween. And I have several plumbers crack photo's. Gotta love those. Beautiful pictures :)
all great pictures. The sunset one and the one with mr poops on the dock are just splendid!
I think the american gothic one is made by the fact that the YES network is playing over your shoulder.
Great pictures,Poops is really growing up. I am glad you are feeling so positive about this pregnancy. It will go well
LOVE the pics know that I do!
do I see a scrapbook in the making???
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